
Glory Academy commemorates the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi: Honoring the Past, Building a Future of Unity and Knowledge

On Friday, May 17th, 2024, Glory Academy community, alongside students, lecturers and staff from ULK and UPI, commemorated the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. The day began with a visit to the Kigali Genocide Memorial, where participants paid their respects to the over 250,000 lives laid to rest there, reflecting on the gravity of this dark chapter in Rwanda’s history.

Mr. MUSINGA I. Fred, Glory Principal, along with UPI principal, local leaders, army representative, and ULK VC, lay pay their respects by laying wreaths of flowers

The ceremony then continued at the ULK stadium, where the focus shifted towards education, fostering unity, and combating harmful ideologies. Starting with a prayer and moment of silence, the ULK Vice Chancellor, Dr. Cyprien Sikubwabo, welcomed all participants and encouraged them to remain vigilant against genocidal beliefs.

Glory students arriving at ULK stadium to start the ceremony

NYIRUMURINGA Théophile, a genocide survivor, shared the harrowing story of his family’s murder during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. He recounted how the Interahamwe brutally attacked him, inflicting three deep head wounds that left him on the brink of death. Théophile expressed profound gratitude to RPF-Inkotanyi, who rescued him and treated his severely infected wounds, enabling him to survive and eventually pursue his education. He is now happily married with two children and stands as a powerful symbol of hope and resilience.

Glory academy students carefully listening to the survivor’s story

Prof. Dr. RWIGAMBA Balinda, the Founder and President of ULK and Glory Academy, delivered a lecture that offered both healing and historical insight- delving into Rwanda’s pre-colonial, colonial, and post-colonial history. Moreover, he shared how the Genocide ideology was fomented by the post-colonial governments and how it lead to the atrocities of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. He also expressed gratitude to the RPF, led by H.E. President Paul KAGAME, for stopping the Genocide and fostering good governance that prioritizes national unity.

Prof. Dr. RWIGAMBA Balinda, the Founder and President of ULK giving a lecture delving into Rwanda's pre-colonial, colonial, and post-colonial history

IBUKA representative, GATETE Eugene, urged the youth to embrace their responsibility towards Rwanda’s future. He emphasized the importance of maintaining national unity and building a stronger nation, reminding them that Rwanda’s future rests in their hands. The flame of hope was lit followed by a message of encouragement to the survivors by students from Glory Academy.

Glory Academy students giving words of encouragement to the 1994 genocide survivors
Dr. Cyprien SIKUBWABO, Vice Chancellor of ULK, joins local leaders in igniting the candles of remembrance, symbolizing shared hope and honoring the victims of the 1994 genocide alongside Glory students.

The ceremony concluded with a powerful message from the Guest of Honor, Mrs. Pauline UMWALI Gasabo district’s Executive Director. She offered words of encouragement to the survivors and challenged the youth to learn more about the history of the genocide. By understanding the past, they can ensure such a tragedy never befalls Rwanda again.

The Guest of Honor, Mrs. Pauline Umwali Gasabo district’s Executive Director giving the closing speech
Glory Primary School students at the front row learning about Rwanda’s history, envisioning the future they'll shape

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