
Students best experiences We are proud of our students

Every year, students from around the world study at Glory Secondary School and find it a life-changing experience.
Our students rate Glory Secondary School as one of the top High Schools in Rwanda for teaching, support, and all-round experience.
The student testimonials below give you an impression of what students think about studying at Glory Secondary School and what they got from their experience with us.

Let them tell you about it in their own words.

  • Glory Academy is a great school

    Glory Academy is a great school. The teachers are qualified and I know they want us to succeed. I can’t stay away from this school. I tried another school for one day (one day!) and I came home and told my mother, “I’m not going back.” We do fun activities and we’re all really close. Mr. Alfred is an ever-hilarious English teacher but he is also very serious when it comes to our work. Teacher Claver, my math teacher is really good at what he does. Whenever I think something is hard, he makes it so easy. The school administrators are caring, responsive, and serious about good behavior. Everyone at GA is destined for a great future. They’re part of the reason I came back.

    Glory Academy is a great school
    L4 Tourism
  • My experience at Glory Academy

    This is my second year at Glory Academy. I can tell you GA is a great school. The teachers are very reasonable and fair. The staff is excellent and the rules help keep the school safe and in order. There is an equal balance of learning and reviewing information so that everyone gets what is to be done and there’s tutoring if we need it. There are many opportunities for GA students. But with all that work we should have a break once in a while, right? I like that GA has many activities available for students. It is fun when we go to new cities and places FOR field trips. There are various clubs, students’ associations etc. Glory Academy is like a family

    My experience at Glory Academy
    KAZUNGU Tricia Calmelle
  • Glory Academy is The Best Choice

    I would like to express my gratefulness and thankfulness to the entire community of Glory Academy for their endless support towards our academic achievements.
    Teachers design her lessons in a way that matches the different needs of their students. Our teachers are able to evaluate student’s progress and point out the part where the students should work hard to improve. Based on my experiences on smart class ( the school online learning platform) with many other students, I admit that I have really benefited a lot with GA

    Glory Academy is The Best Choice
    MUGISHA Joel
    S6 HEG
  • Best Education

    It is fun but it’s very strict here. I believe this school provides the best education in KIGALI CITY . For example, the teachers always believe in you and they make sure you try your hardest on everything you do. This school also has a lot of fun activities and fun field trips. We go on fun and educational field . They do it to make sure you aren’t just playing around but to make sure you were paying attention. GA also makes sure that you are safe at all times. I have attended other schools in my ordinary and advanced General secondary education , and this is the best school I have ever been to

    Best Education
    S6 MEG