Glory academy is a private school founded in 2006 by Prof. Dr RWIGAMBA Balinda,
Founder and President of Kigali Independent University ULK Ltd. The school comprises
the former Glory Secondary School (GSS) accredited in 2007, Glory TVET School
accredited in 2019 and Glory Nursery and Primary School accredited in 2020. Glory
Academy operates in its own buildings recently constructed in ULK plot, Gisozi–Gasabo
District in Kigali City.
Philosophy of Glory Academy
The philosophy of Glory Academy is based on four fundamental principles:
● To have faith in God;
● To know one’s mission on earth;
● To live ethical values;
● To have positive thoughts.
Mission of Glory Academy
The fundamental mission of Glory Academy is to provide the students with a training
which will enable them to become actors and organizers of a complete development of
the nation.
Vision of Glory Academy
Glory Academy has the vision to stand out as a school of excellence in Rwanda with
highly motivated students and highly qualified personnel endowed with Elevated ethical